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About Us

Mission Capital  helps individuals become Missionary Disciples and helps  parishes, schools and ministries make Missionary Disciples. 


  • A Disciple not only repents of sin, believes the Gospel, and is baptized and confirmed, but pledges obedience to the Lord and goes all-in, i.e., lives as if his life and all his resources belong to the Lord.  A disciple of our Lord enjoys God's presence through personal prayer, scripture reading, and, especially, the Liturgy. A disciple works on becoming like God (holy) and loving others the way God does.

  • A Missionary Disciple, beyond caring for one's family, dedicates their life to helping others encounter the Lord and become disciples through intercessory prayer, witnessing, mentoring, and supporting the evangelistic ministries of the Church. 

  • The New Evangelization is the Church's call to re-evangelize the once Christian countries of the West. Mission Capital provides tools and resources for this New Evangelization. 


Our Story

Mission Capital  began in the early 2000s with missions in several parishes across Southeast Michigan, Toledo, Ohio, and Vancouver. The parish mission, Made for Joy, which encourages deeper conversion, helps one to develop a daily prayer life and embrace a life of holiness and mission, was piloted in five parishes in 2006. Discipleship for Catholic Men (2007), addresses the same topics but is tailored for men’s ministry and fellowships. After conducting workshops on discipleship in Tanzania in 2008, under the auspices of Renewal Ministries, Mission Capital became inactive due to lack of funding. A major supporter provided funding in 2012 to re-ignite MC’s mission.  Mission Capital is a dba for Parish Life Services Foundation, a 501c3 charity.

James Birchler, Ministry Lead & Treasurer

Nicole Carlson, Ministry Support
Fr. Zachary Mabee, PhD, Chaplain

Michael Morrissey, Accounting
David Myler, Board Member
Bill Pressprich, Board Member

Steve Safranak, Secretary

Margaret Zahm, Ministry Support

Peter Ziolkowski, Executive Director

Our Team

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